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US-guided sclerotherapy

US-guided sclerotherapy in Kyiv and Zaporozhye | Results, reviews

US-guided sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the intravenous administration of sclerosant under targeted ultrasound guidance. Echo - sclerotherapy is the most effective "non-surgical" method for removing varicose veins, recognized in the leading phlebological clinics in Europe and America. This sclerotherapy technique was introduced into practice by a group of Italian phlebologists led by L. Tessari in 2000, by introducing a foamy form of sclerosing substance into a vein under the control of an ultrasound probe.

Thanks to ultrasound control, the most accurate introduction of the required volume of sclerosant and the distribution of “it” along the entire length of the varicose vein are achieved. Visible varicose veins, this is only ¼ of the main cause of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), and the elimination of only visible veins in most cases does not achieve the desired therapeutic effect. More important in the progression of CVI are large perforated veins that are located deep beneath the skin and are often not visible. Echo sclerotherapy is just used for obliteration of the main saphenous and perforating veins.

When conducting echosclerotherapy, up to 10 ml can be administered in one session. Sclerosant, this is approximately 5-6 injections. The number of injections and the required amount of sclerosant depends on the characteristics of the lesion of the venous bed, and can be determined by a phlebologist after a comprehensive examination. You may need from 1 to 6 sessions, depending on the specific case.

As a result of echosclerotherapy, a good therapeutic effect is achieved, which is evaluated immediately after the procedure by ultrasound. If during the control ultrasound examination there are areas of non-obliterated vein, it is possible to conduct a second session of echosclerotherapy.

How to prepare before echosclerotherapy:

  • be sure to tell the phlebologist whether you are taking hormonal drugs (contraceptives, etc.);
  • stop taking hemorrhaging drugs;
  • Do not drink high alcohol drinks for three days before and after the procedure;
  • Do not do hair removal on the legs, do not use lotion and cream;
  • take a shower in a day and wash your feet with ordinary soap;
  • 2 hours before the procedure, it is advisable to eat a little;
  • come to treatment at the appointed time, in comfortable, spacious clothes and shoes.

After the echosclerotherapy procedure, a special (breathing) compression stocking is put on the leg, which should be worn daily for a certain time.

Склеротерапия вен

Recommendations after echosclerotherapy:

  • you need 30-40 minutes to walk in the fresh air immediately after the procedure + daily walk for at least an hour;
  • avoid prolonged static loads;
  • Do not use saunas or take hot baths;
  • Do not engage in active sports and aerobics for 1 month.

Side effects of sclerotherapy:

  • Hyperpigmentation - this is a temporary darkening of the skin at the injection sites of sclerosant, it occurs quite frequently in 20-30% of cases;
  • Itching of the skin - together with sclerotherapy can be within 2-3 hours, very rarely more than a day.
  • Pain - slight discomfort in the injection site, which disappears within 7-10 days.
  • Peeling and dry skin at the site of sclerotherapy occurs in less than 5%;
  • Allergic reactions are extremely rare, often in patients with polyallergy for medications.
  • Phlebitis is an inflammation of the vein, this is a rare complication that occurs as a result of not following the doctor’s recommendations.

AngioLife Vascular Center has accumulated extensive experience in conducting echo sclerotherapy for varicose veins of any complexity. Our specialists perform sclerotherapy in a high-quality, fast and completely painless manner. The therapeutic effect of sclerotherapy can be found in the "Results" section.

See you at AngioLife



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