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Travel and accommodation in Zaporizhzhia

Travel and accommodation in Zaporizhzhia

AngioLife Vascular Center is located almost in the center of Zaporozhye, 50 meters from Soborogo Avenue (the longest avenue in Europe), near the Children's Regional Hospital, it is easy to find and easy to reach, both by public transport and by car (there is parking ) 2 km. from the center is the central bus station, 5 km. central train station.

AngioLife Vascular Center staff can plan and book your route completely, both for the initial appointment and for the second visit (with endovasal procedures).


Since all the procedures in the AngioLife Vascular Center are WITHOUT ANNESTIC, after the treatment you have enough time to visit the main attractions of our wonderful city, located on the banks of the Dnieper River.

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Not far from the vascular center of AngioLife is the largest and most picturesque park of the city - Oak Grove, where you can take a walk and get moral and physical satisfaction.

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Also, in the city of Zaporozhye there is a National Historical and Cultural Reserve - the island of Khortytsya, which is known throughout the world thanks to the historical exploits of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, as well as a unique and unique animal and plant world.

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If you have a desire, then after visiting our center, we will organize for you a fascinating tour of the places of military glory of the Cossacks of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, and also show one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in the world - Dneproges.






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