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Rasul Zade Sona Tarielovna MD

AngioLife® Leading Lymphologist, Vascular Center Specialist in CPFT therapy, pneumolymphopressing and kinesiotapeing

She graduated from Zaporizhzhya State University, passed an internship in gynecology at the Department of FPO ZSMU.


She passed specialization in lymphology and CPFT therapy on the basis of the scientific and practical center for the rehabilitation of patients with lymphedema "Lympha".

She passed specialization in taping "Rock-Tape". The master - classes in manual lymphatic drainage and compression banding of limbs.


The first specialist in Ukraine who began to apply the German CDT by Foeldi technique for the treatment of patients with lymphedema of various etiologies.

Founder of the lecture course "Patient's School with Lymphedema" for women undergoing surgery for breast cancer.


A regular participant in conferences and international seminars on the treatment of patients with diseases of the lymphatic system, a member of the International Association of Lymphologists.

Sign up for a consultation with Rasul-zade Sonya Tarielovna by phone:

tel. +38 (061) 708-14-41

mob +38 (066) 717-77-11 (Viber)

mob +38 (098) 717-11-00 (Telegram)

e-mail: angiolifecenter@gmail.com

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